Board members
The HRCOLA Board is elected by the association members at it annual meeting each spring. Each board member serves a two-year term and may be reelected for successive terms.
If you are interested in serving on the Board, please notify one of the members or email us at [email protected].
We are particularly interested in adding Board members from Gallagher, Whitewood, Strawberry and Zukey Lakes.
Mark Teicher President (Portage)
(248) 420-9144
Mark Teicher is dedicated to preserving the qualitly of our lakes. He also serves as Vice President of the Michigan Lakes and Streams Association, laison to the Huron Watershed Council and Chair of the Dexter Township Farmland and Open Space Preservation Board.
Dave Wilutis Vice President (Base Line)
(517) 881-2440
Dave Wilutis, a retired business owner has been on the chain of Lakes since 1989. As a board member, Dave focuses on providing members and all lakefront owners the needed education materials so everyone can be better stewards of our precious lake system.
Jan Arps-Prundeanu Secretary (Base Line) (734) 834-4792
A retired social worker, she inherited a shorefront garden that has evolved into a cover article for the first issue of Shoreline Living Magazine. In addition to adding new native plants to her shorefront garden annually, she enjoys kayaking, especially on the river sections of our Chain.
Jim Jensen Director (Whitewood)
(810) 599-8125
Jim is a Real Estate Agent. His goal on the Board is to help preserve the recreational value of our lakes.
Bonnie Swanson Director (Tamarack)
(734) 878-9160
Bonnie Swanson is a retired Ford Motor Parts & Service Manager who has lived on Tamarack Lake since 1976. She is deeply concerned about keeping Tamarack and all of the Huron River Chain of Lakes (a true gem) as beautiful as it is today for our residents to enjoy way into the future.

Mary Beth Timmerman Director (Tamarack)
(517) 581-2100
Mary Beth is a retired Supply Chain/IT Project Manager who has lived on the water since 1984. She believes in respectful co-existence of many kinds of watercraft and the education of how we can all share the ecosystem for generations to come.
Alan Rygiel Director
(313) 400-2910
Automotive supplier executive with a long history of working on sustainable product solutions that protect our natural resources. Committed to preserving the Chain of Lakes using best practices management for our waterways.
Angela Winnett Director
(803) 464-0774
Angela is a biologist with the National Park Service and brings a deep commitment to environmental stewardship to the HRCOLA Board. Growing up in Pinckney, Angela developed a passion for nature during her childhood living on Cordley Lake and boating the Chain of Lakes. That early connection to the environment led to a career focused on conservation, including previous work with The Nature Conservancy. Now living on Strawberry Lake, Angela is dedicated to using her professional experience and personal passion to restore and protect the health of our lakes and their surrounding ecosystems so they can be enjoyed well into the future.