02/06/25 – Public Hearing on Flook Dam Special Assessment
03/01/25 – Family Dinner at Portage Yacht Club
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for more details
Portage Base & Whitewood Owners Association is now:
Huron River Chain of Lakes Association
The HRCOLA mission is to preserve, protect, and enhance the health and safety of our Lakes and the surrounding Watershed for current and future generations.
In recognition of the fact that PBWOA’s activities now cover the complete Huron River Chain of Lakes from Zukey down to Little Portage, the membership of PBWOA voted at the Annual Meeting in May of 2024 to adopt the name the Huron River Chain of Lakes Association (HRCOLA). Scroll down for more information about the name change.
Shore Garden Tour with Washtenaw County Shoreline Consultants
About Us
Photo Credit: Scott Dentler
Our Lakes
Photo Credit: Scott Dentler
Fun on Our Lakes
Photo Credit: Heidi Metzger
Make a Difference
Introducing HRCOLA – Huron River Chain of Lakes Association
Over the years the name of our lake association has changed as the focus of its activities has expanded from those that only impacted Portage and Little Portage Lakes to those that impact the complete Huron Chain of Lakes from Zukey to Little Portage.
In 1964 the name changed from Big and Little Portage Lake Association to the Portage and Base Lakes Association. In 1973 it changed to Portage and Base Lakes Property Owners Assocation. In 1988 it was changed to Portage, Base, and Whitewood Owners Association.
Because the activities of the Association now impact the complete chain of lakes from Zukey down to Little Portage, at the annual meeting in May of 2024, the members have agreed to change the name to the Huron River Chain of Lakes Association – HRCOLA.
In case you are wondering, all PBWOA current members are now members of HRCOLA.
Naturalizing altered shorelines improves water quality, prevents erosion, enhances habitats and biodiversity, and supports the overall health of inland lake ecosystems resulting in cleaner water for us all to enjoy. Shoreline gardens, fish sticks, and softening of seawalls help protect our lakes for future generations.
Weed and algae control programs run by Washtenaw County and Hamburg township help to lessen the adverse impacts of invasive species and algal blooms on our lakes. As directed by a lake scientist and permit by EGLE, they use chemicals and weed harvesting.